
Hi! I'm Sho. This is my first blog.

Today, we went to Gateway Arch.

I'ts very big and amagzing visual, so we all excited.

Then, we had lunch at Spaghetti Factory.

They were almost delicious, but only ice cream was un palatable.

Next, we went Union Station. There were a lot of shops, however, almost cardinals shops, so I bought nothing after all.

Therefore, we spent the enhanced weekend. But, we start class next day.

I will do my best!!

1 件のコメント:

  1. Hi Sho,

    Nice blog post and I am glad to hear from you. I am glad you had a good time at St. Louis arch. By the way, I have a new activity for all of you. Please look at the blog posts of Canada and Australia, and write your comment for them. Of course, I hope you will write it in good and polite English!

    Herbert Donovan
